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The swan is an accessible bird in Fly Like a Bird 3. It is also the newest and largest bird added to Fly Like A Bird 3. It was added by Gamevial to Version 2.882 in February of 2014. Due to its large size and slow speed, the swan is a terribly vulnerable target in multiplayer.

The swan is also the second bird added that has the ability to swim. The swan can eat cherries, pizza and chips. The swan has a white body, a white tail, white wings and white head. The beak is a red-orange colour with a black cere. The eyes and the lump above the eyes are also black. The feet are a dark grey and webbed. With these details, one can tell the swan is based off a Mute swan.

Flight Pattern
The swan's flight pattern, speed and animations of the head are the same as the seagull, however the long neck bends down in a straight horizontal line and bobs slightly whenever the bird beats its wings. In flight, the legs go back and the feet are raised and twisted slightly inwards.nThe swan can also land too hard as almost all other birds can.

The call of the swan when the player chats is of a short sound that is similar to a short chirping. The swan will hiss when it takes damage.

The swan's nest, and chick, is around the same size as the eagle's. The egg of the swan is purely white.

swan.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/28 12:14 by kuroseki

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