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Eggs were laid in nests once they were completed. All the species of birds featured in the game could lay eggs, and each differed from the other. Robins had tiny eggs where as a swan or eagle laid large ones. Only one egg could be laid in a nest at a time, and they had to be cared for by the birds in-game; they had to be sat on for extended periods of time or else a message would appear in the chat warning “your egg is cooling down”. If this message was ignored, and the egg was further neglected, then it would “break” and disappear.

Originally, eggs would not hatch into anything. They would just grant a life and that was it. Gamevial later added chicks in an update, that would hatch out and had to be reared. In multiplayer, birds of the same species could take care of each others eggs, making egg and chick rearing slightly easier.

Egg colors Each bird had a unique egg size and colour

Starling: light blue

Robin: cream

Swan: white

Gull: speckled brown

Eagle: Brown speckled

Seagull: brown speckled

Owl: white

Pigeon: White

Macaw: white

Crow: blue

Ringneck: white

nesting_and_eggs.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/30 18:30 by kuroseki

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