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The Macaw is a playable bird featured in the game Flylikeabird3. It was added by Gamevial on October 24 2012[1], and was meant to go with the Island landscape. It was quite popular among players, and they could often be found in their home land. A challenge that came with these birds however were their bright colors, which made them easy to spot if they were used in landscapes such as the City or Industry. Players sometimes used this against them in multiplayer.


The model was based off of the Blue and gold macaws found in real life. It had a yellow chest, turquoise back, and white/grey face. Its forehead was light green and it also had a black stipe on its throat.

Flight pattern
When holding the down button, it flies straight up, but with less vertical thrust, then It falls pretty slowly and gracefully. It still lands too hard easiIy.

They could eat cherries only.

Nest and egg
They created a medium sized nest, and laid a light blue egg. The default chick model Gamevial created hatched out of the eggs.

The model was created by Anais Pantaleone

macaw.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/28 11:52 by kuroseki

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