**__History__**\\ The pigeon is one of the playable birds featured in the game Flylikeabird3. The original model, having been created by Gamevial, was used in the predecessor Flylikeabird2(where it was the main and only playable bird ). it was then reused and was incorporated into the third game along with the Crow and the Seagull. The Pigeon was not as frequently used as other birds in the third game and is relatively slow, especially compared to the newer and faster birds. A newer version was added to the game after Ravenwoods acquired ownership. **__Description__**\\ The model of the pigeon was based off a standard ''city pigeon'', or common rock dove. Its easily Identified in game by its grey body and white back. the neck is grey with green, pink and purple iridescents. the wings are grey with two bands of black across the bases of the tertiary wing feathers and the secondary covert feathers. a black band extends across the ends of the main wing feathers, and fades into brown at the ends of the wings. the tail is grey with black on the tips of the feathers. the feet are pink and the beak it black with a white cere. **__Flight Pattern__**\\ Its wingbeat is rather slow compared to other birds, which often leads to its downfall in usage as other, more agile birds are preferred over the Pigeon. It was also slow when flying upwards. **__Nest and egg__**\\ The pigeons nest was small to medium sized compaired to other birds. They laid white eggs, which hatched into chicks as like with all the bird species featured in the game. The chicks looked the same as all the other species. **__Diet__**\\ The Pigeon's diet consists of [[Chips|Chips]], [[Cherries|Cherries]], and [[Pizza|Pizza]]