**__City formerly known as Cityscape__**\\ **__About__**\\ The Cityscape was the original landscape added to Flylikeabird3 when the game was first released. It had several upgrades, some of which were powerlines and cars. It had multiple skyscrapers as well as a small park and houses where bins could be found. **__NPC__**\\ [[Traffic Warden|Traffic Warden]]\\ [[Suit|Suit]]\\ **__Obstacles__**\\ [[Cars|Cars]]\\ Power Lines\\ NPC's\\ Trees\\ **__Useful Objects and Food__**\\ [[Butterflies|Butterflies]]\\ [[Bins|Bins]]\\ [[Carcass|Carcass]]\\ [[Pizza|Pizza]]\\ [[Chips|Chips]]\\ [[Cherries|Cherries]]\\ [[Twig|Twigs]]\\